Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Moose, potato, carrot stew

So, the freezer was full of moose and the garage was full of carrots and potatoes from the garden harvest.....
And we canned up some moose stew!  7 quart jars and 14 pint jars, praise God for His provision.  

Remple carrots

We had many harvest opportunities this summer and fall here in Alaska.  
One such harvest came this fall when the organic farmers that the boys worked for invited
families into their fields to glean.
We picked carrots for our family and plenty to share with friends as well.
Next we took them over to a friends house and we all washed the carrots to prepare them for winter storage.
Next comes the carrot souffle, carrot cakes, carrot soup, and so forth!  YUM 

Moose processing

Lonnie and Alex both drew moose cow tags this year :)  Lonnie was able to harvest his moose. 
Now the work begins.  Thank the Lord for good friends to help. 
Here I am getting some instruction on how to cut put our moose (Lonnie had to be away during this part)

8 hours of cutting and grinding total...and after sharing a quarter with the land owner and another quarter
with our friends in return for all their help...we still put almost 250 lbs in our freezer.  Wow!

Making Runzas

Time to do something with our giant cabbage!