Friday, June 28, 2013

Halibut at Whiskey Gulch

Nice "chicken halibut" 

All geared up and ready to go. 

Not afraid to try new things and learn something new! 

Don't want this Skate...better get it off the line.

Try as I might, I could not catch my halibut :(       Next time!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Aunt Nancy comes to visit :)

So good to have my Sister here for a couple weeks

The road into Palmer from our house

Anita shows Nancy her pet hamster.
Alex shows her his finished homemade instrument

We take a drive up the mountain
What a motley crew

Doing a little cooking out  at Nancy Lake

What a great time we all had with Aunt Nancy!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Waiting in Kodiak

Kodiak wildlife refuge visitors center

Kodiak "tire" swing
Grounded boat converted to fish processing building. 

WWII bunker